Ralco Electrical Supplies is a long established electrical wholesaler in New Addington. We offer a huge range of quality products at discounted prices and guarantee free, overnight delivery in the South East area. We also have a well-stocked sales counter for immediate collections…..and free parking and coffee!
If your need is urgent we’re able to offer you a same day quotation and free delivery. Our full range of products can be seen in our fully illustrated catalogue available both online and at the sales counter.
We’re keen to save you money, so call us anytime on 01322 520 350.
Unit 7 Vulcan Business Centre
Vulcan Way
New Addington
01322 520350
Paul Wilson (Sales Manager) - paul@ralco-elec.co.uk
Carol Rose (Accounts) - accounts@ralco-elec.co.uk
Andy Dack (Sales) - andy@ralco-elec.co.uk

Copyright 2022 Ralco Electrical Supplies Ltd.